Men of War: Assault Squad was the first game in the Men of War series to not have a story-based campaign. Also included were four factions ( Germany, the UK, America and the Soviet Union), which eventually was increased to five with the introduction of Japan in a patch (only in multiplayer). The multiplayer expanded beyond the standard of Faces of War, with a larger number of maps of bigger size. Larger battles usually require the player to eventually assault the enemy rather than defend, if the latter had been given. Other single-player missions require the player to control larger forces in defense of an area, although even those missions provide the player with an outnumbered force. Part of the single-player game reverts to the Soldiers: Heroes of World War II style of battles, with control of a small squad being put in the hands of the player against a larger enemy. The game includes enhanced graphics compared to Faces of War, and a more expansive single and multiplayer. At the time of release, it had the largest single-player campaign. Men of War was the first to be put under the Men of War name.